
New Software and database on DVD or as download version
This new database version 2019 contains the data of electronic components like integrated circuits, transistors, diodes, FETs, thyristors, UJTs., operational amplifier, voltage regulators, .. with all important details, as well as the access to the original of data sheets in the pdf format if available.

  • over 108.000 diodes
  • over 88.000 FETs
  • over 142.000 transistors
  • over 18.000 thyristors
  • over 160.000 integrated circuits

divided into different data sheets.
This version includes the data base of the tdv-disk and ddv-disk CD-ROM too.

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Vrt-dvd 2019 The new edition of vrt-dvd 2019! New Software and data base on DVD This data base on DVD ROM contains the data of electronic components like integrated circuits, transistors, diodes, FETs, thyristors, UJTs., with all important details, as well as the access to the original of data sheets in the pdf format over our InterNet server. Pdf catalogue 2015 eca electronic. Eca 403 16 eca vrt dvd 2018 database reichelt com. Eca vrt disk 2005 torrentz my favorite torrents search. Stk and str eca pdf catalogue 2015 eca electronic. Up to date world s transistors thyristors smd diode ic. Free download here.

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System requirements: Windows 7/8/10 and a DVD drive assembly.
The download version (about 3 GB) need internet access during the installation

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