Simpsonize Me can be easy or challenging depending on how you go about it. It is not hard to Simpson yourself as long as you have an idea how to go about the whole process. Most people who have been successful in making their own caricature have done so as a result of using guidelines and tips. If you have been looking for the same. Head to Simpsonize Me and turn yourself into a bona fide Simpsons character. All you need is a color photo of your face, preferably in JPEG or PNG format, with a minimum resolution of 640 by 480. Our illustrators not only turn you into a simpsonize avatar, but we can also create backgrounds as you wish. Any concept that you can think of can be realized. Just send a picture and describe your idea in the message note, let us do it.

Simpsonize Yourself - For Free! You can still do it thanks to this nifty page archiver called The Wayback Machine Web Archive. Fun Fact: I actually have that exact shirt! The ORIGINAL and still the BEST place to get yourself Simpsonized. We Can Make You Yellow! Are you a fan of the Simpsons? If so, we can make you yellow! The perfect gift for friends, family or loved ones – a striking avatar, or just a bit of fun.


Make Yourself Into A Simpson

simpson yourself

How to Create Your Own Simpson Character

Creating your own Simpsons character can beeasy or challenging depending on how you go about it. It is not hard to simpson yourself as long as you have an idea how to go about the whole process. Mostpeople who have been successful in making their own caricature have done so asa result of using guidelines and tips. If you have been looking for the sameineffectively, you will find that it is not easy to find a good, understandableand effective guideline. One of the ways you can get a guideline is looking atthe information provide below.

simpsons yourself

Creating your own simpsonize me can be afund and stimulating experience to your imagination. The best way to go aboutit would be starting by thinking of a unique, interesting concept of yourcartoon character. Simpsons characters normally have interesting and / or funnycharacteristics. The foundation of yourcharacter will be based on these two or more characteristics. Start by makingrough sketches of you personality’s physical appearance. Your character will bedrawn based on your sketch. You should also ensure your story is based on yournew character. The options available are by use of pen and paper, or by online/ offline character generators.

simpson myself

Since we are not all trained animators, itwould be prudent to start by using an application for the same. The good thingabout such applications is that you can use them to ensure you get the Simpsonsavatar of your choice. The end result can be used for various purposes such asmaking the picture as your profile photo in social media networks like Facebook,Twitter and so forth. At the same time, you can use it just for fun.

simpson maker

To begin, you have to decide if you want tosimpsons yourself by using one of the characters and editing the same, or by creatingone from scratch. Both of these methods will require a different mode ofoperation. You will have to know each different mode before you can make an informeddecision on the mode you will use. If you opt to use the modification of anexisting character option, you should look at one of the popular cartoon sitessuch as BeFunky or CartoonMe. Since youare dealing with Simpsons characters, you should opt to use the officialSimpsons website. It will ensure you get all the characters you may want to useduring your Simpsons character creation process.

simpsons maker

The moment you come across a character of yourchoice, you will be ready for the next step. This is where you will need tohave at least normal computer skills. The location of the photo will determinehow you are going to upload it. For example, you may either need to download itfirst and upload it, or save the image as a file in your computer. Differentsites that have Simpson caricatures will have different methods available. Forinstance, if you can clearly see the image, you can download it to yourcomputer by right clicking your mouse and looking at the options available. Ifthere is an option such as save image as or download image, click it and choosethe location where you want the image saved. This should take no more than a fewseconds to complete.

simpsons face

Simpsonize Yourself App

In some cases, you may find that you are notable to download the image. Look at the options available if this is the case.The most common ways you can go about this would be by either right clickingthe image or looking for a ‘view this image’ option or an option that suggestsa full view of the image. Either way, the next page will give you access to theimage with the option to download it or save. Once it has completeddownloading, you will be ready to move to the next step that will help you makeyour own Simpson.

make me a simpson

Make sure you first take a thorough look atthe picture you were using. You may find that it does not have the level ofbrightness or clarity that you wanted. You can use image modificationapplications and programs such as Microsoft Picture Manager or Adobe Photoshop.An application such as Adobe Photoshop is very good as it can help you changethe background of the image you are using. If you are not conversant with sucha program, you can use simple ones like Microsoft Picture manger to improve thebrightness, contrast, size and hues of the image. Additionally, suchapplications can help you know if the image you have saved / downloaded will beviable for your needs even before you use it. Basically, this is what I woulddo if I wanted to simpson myself.

Simpsonize Yourself Free Download

make me into a simpson

After you have ascertained that you have theimage you would love using, you can now start looking for effects. In mostcases, a simple or complex simpson maker application will have an effects menuthat you can use to effectively create the effects you would like. All thesecan be easily accessed using the effects menu. A simpsons maker that does nothave such a menu will likely lack the fun and adventure you would experience byusing the effects. Platforms such as BeFunky have the options o fusing charcoaleffects, sunburst, cartoonify and more. You can choose to alternate or combinethe use of one or all of these options. You can click share or save the momentyou are satisfied and happy with the caricature version of your picture.

make your own simpson

If you want to make your own Simpson fromscratch, there are many different methods you can choose from. One of the mostcommon is using the Simpsonize Me website. In this case, you will have tosearch through the different categories in order to find and choose the styles thatare right for you. Categories will vary with the most popular being those forhands, mouth, eyes, hat, legs, body, skin and hair. Customization should bedone to perfection, or at least to the point that you feel it is a goodrepresentation of yourself. Once you are done, all you have to do is click‘save’ and you will have it downloaded to your computer. One of the bets tips you should consider isseeing what other people have done with their caricature characters first toget an idea of what is possible for your own.

the simpsomaker

Creating your own Simpsons character

If you want to create your Simpsons character,either one that is already in existence or an entirely new, one you will have totake a slightly different approach. For example, there is no way you can comeup with a simpsons face if you do not have direction or a direction of how youare going to handle the same. So if you want to know how you can effectivelyindulge in a ‘make me a Simpson’ endeavor, you have to know where to begin. Tostart, you will need to put your character somewhere even if it is in virtualnothingness. The location does no really matter as it may be a parking lot inNew York, a winery in Italy or an apartment in Paris. Choosing a location notonly sets a stage for your character, but it also helps define her or him.


To begin, you should start with one H and thefive W’s, juts as a journalist would. They are ‘how’, ‘why’, ‘when’, ‘what’,‘who’ and ‘where’. If you are at the point of creating the character, there isa high chance that you have an idea of a story or plot in mind. In the eventyou want to create a sweeping, grand narrative like the Lord of the Rings, youwill need a lot of characters. Some will be good, others bad, others evil andsome male / female. On the other hand, if you want to come up with anintrospective story, you may not need more than a single character. This is thepoint where you will have to think creatively. For example, Homer has his ownunique character that is not the same as Bart’s or Lisa’s. With this in mind,you will have to come up with your own characters that will ensure they meetthe needed standards.

turn me into a simpson

Simpsonize Yourself For Free

Sometimes you just need to make me a simpsonas this may work best for you. If this is the case, you will need to take intoconsideration a different direction. Begin by making sure you know the characteryou want. In the cartoon series, Bart and Homer seem to be the most popularcharacters. Since this is the case, you will have to know which of the two youare going to choose. Once you have made a decision you can embark on, stick toit and start working on the same.

simpsons face maker

Simpsonize me

First steps

You should start by looking at the variousoptions that are available for making sure you have the character of yourchoice. If you are thinking of creating Simpsons characters using anapplication or software, you will need to look for a Simpsons’ charactergenerator. A good character generator is one that will allow you to make me into a simpson of your choice. There are plenty of such generators online andfinding one should not be a problem. Usually, they are two main types ofcharacter generators; online and offline. The online version can be used tocreate characters for fun and allow you download them to your computer. Theonly downside with such a platform is that you will always need to have aninternet connection for it to work. The offline version works in a similarfashion as the online platform, but you will not need an internet connectionfor it to work.

simpson face maker

The online version of a Simpsons’ charactermaker is usually limited, but efficient. You will have to start by getting agood photo of yourself. A good photo should be one that has a clear background.For example, the background should be preferably of a single color, with white,light blue and similar hues being the best. Avoid photos with multiple colorbackgrounds as they may interfere with the whole character generation process.The best option would be taking a full body sized photo, similar to one thatyou would use for a job application. In some cases, an online version willrequire you to meet some guidelines. This is normally in terms of the amount ofpixels required and size of photo in megabytes.

simpson face generator

Once you have made sure your photo meets therequirements, you can now start uploading it. The time it takes to upload willbe determined by the internet connection you have. Since most people use 3G or4G networks, you should not have to wait for more than a minute for your phototo be uploaded. An effective Simpsons’ character maker should not take morethan a minute to upload your photo.After the photo has been uploaded, you will now need to choose thecharacter you would like. At this point, it would be prudent to choose acharacter that has the same gender as you. If you are female, choose eitherLisa or Marge. If you are male, you should opt for Bart or Homer. Take notethat these are just the main characters in the cartoon series. You will findthat you can easily choose other characters as long as they are available inyour particular the Simpsonmaker.

make your simpson

The next step is clicking ‘create’ or ‘start’or the option that you’re simpsonmaker uses to start making your character.This process may take some time depending on your network speed as well as theapplication you are using. Making a Simpson’s caricature using your imageshould be s easy as that. Take note that not all online platforms are userfriendly. Some may be able to give you what you want while others may bechallenging to use. It may be wise to go through a few before you make adecision on the generator you are going to use to make Simpsons character.

make your own simpsons

The offline method is the other option you canuse to use as a simpsons face maker or a Simpsons full character. In this case,you will have to start by downloading the application. There are numerousapplications online that are used to create caricature characters. All you haveto do is find one that will not only suit your needs, but it is also effective.Since the task may be a bit challenging, it would be wise to have informationon the ways you can make the process as easy as possible. One way to go aboutthis would be looking at reviews from previous users. Such reviews are quitehelpful as they will give you an idea of how to go about the whole processsimilar to one used in a simpson face generator. Reviews written by previoususers have information such as the ease of using the application, itseffectiveness and so forth. This information should be used to make yourdecision.

simpsons movie maker

Once you have found an application that youcan use, check out the process needed to turn you to simpson face maker. Itshould not be difficult as long as you know your way around a computer. Most ofthe applications are easy to use and you can start creating your Simpsonscartoon character with ease. In case you get stranded, the applications have ahelp option that you can use to guide yourself through the whole process. Youwill need to ensure you have the photo you want to use in your computer. Thisphoto should be uploaded to the application then used to generate the characterof your choice. The offline method is one of the best as it can ensure you makea Simpsons character effectively.

simpsons cartoon maker


The Simpsons have always been an all-time favorite TV cartoon series. Since its inception, peoplehave always had different ways and platforms that they can use to show how muchthey are a fan of the series. In the past, it was not uncommon to see peoplewalking with branded T-shirts of one of the members of the Simpson family. Thiswas the same case for dolls and other portable items or keepsakes that could bemanufactured at the time. In the present world, technology has made everythingchange. As a result, people are able to relate with their favorite Simpsonscharacters in both a physical and digital platform.

Even though the series was popular a long timeago, it is currently still popular with the new generation and the generationbefore it. The older generation who were and still enjoying the series haveproven to be more likely to warm up to the available fan base options that thanthe newer generation that is warming up to the cartoon show. With this in mind,it is currently possible to make your simpson character either offline oronline. If you are making it online, you will need to follow a few proceduresand selecting the best method for your preferences. On the other hand, theoffline option is quite easy as all you have to do is get a guide on the same.So how would you start going about the make your own simpsons process?

The best advice would be to get an insight onhow you can make these characters effectively is by using a simpsons movie maker. You should also take into consideration that you can use a simpsons cartoon maker. Keep in mind that the main characters, namely the Simpsonsfamily, are the priority you should take into consideration. As much as theyare not all equally popular, there will be enough attention for each characterin terms of their availability. With this in mind, it should not be very hardto come up with or make your own simpson character. The following are twodifferent ways to go about it.

Another thing you should take intoconsideration when you want to start Simpsons make your own character endeavoris the systems requirements of the application. Although most programs willrequire any Pentium 4 or higher computer and any operating system, you may findthat some may require a certain graphics standard. The system requirements willinform you the display requirements that the program requires. This informationshould be taken into consideration as it will determine if the application willwork on your computer or not. It is not difficult to build your own Simpsonscharacter.

If you are looking to Simpsonize yourself then you are at the right place. We specialize in turning you, your friends, family and even pets into the wonderful yellow Simpsons characters we all love. It’s a great fun gift that is guaranteed to put a smile on everyone’s face. Our artists capture every detail to make the design a beautiful masterpiece that will last forever.

Get your entire family Simpsonized into a Simpsons custom family portrait that will bring laughs and smiles for years to come. It’s the perfect gift for any occasion. Your gift will be the center of conversation to everyone who see’s this amazing portrait. Our artists take their time to craft the perfect custom Simpsons portrait. Turn Me Yellow today.

How It Works

Step 1

Upload Your Photos

Inside game port. Upload your photo and choose your background.

Step 2

We Illustrate

Our artists will create a your custom yellow character portrait.

Step 3


Your artwork is sent to you to ENJOY!

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