Change your pronunciation of e depending on where it is in a word. Unlike the other pure vowels, the letter e is pronounced differently depending on whether it occurs in the middle of a syllable or at the end. One of the best things about learning the Greek language is that words are pronounced the way they are written. There are no silent 'e' type letters. If a letter is in the word, it is pronounced. And letters are always pronounced the same way, with the exception of a few diphthongs.

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  • The Unabridged Phonetic Respelling Key Pronunciations written in phonetic respelling form are intended to be used by native speakers of English. This chart will tell you how to read the pronunciation symbols. In phonetic respellings, the primary stressed syllable is indicated by bold type , as in newspaper nooz-pey-per and information in-fer-mey-shuhn.
  • Learn how to correctly say a word, name, place, drug, medical and scientific terminology or any other difficult word in English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Swedish and other languages with our multilingual pronunciation and phonetics dictionary made out of audio pronunciations of words, their meanings, synonyms, sentences.